EXTENDED Abstract Submission Due Date
11 June 2021
Abstracts Acceptance Notice
15 June 2021
Early Bird Registration Date
29 June 2021
Should you have any questions, please contact the Congress Secretariat at ILDLT2021@mci-group.com
- All abstracts must be submitted via the congress website ONLY.
- When submitting an abstract online, the abstract will be automatically edited according to the congress submission format. It is the author’s responsibility to review the submissions and correct them. Please proofread your abstract before completing the submission.
- Submitted files are limited to 300 words for abstracts and should be typed in English.
- No tables and images are allowed.
- Only up to 10 authors including the presenting author will be listed on the abstract book.
- Abstracts should be structured in the following four paragraphs:
- Introduction: indicates the purpose of the study
- Methods: describe pertinent experimental procedures
- Results: summarize the results of the research
- Conclusion: states the main conclusions
Please ensure you complete the submission process by clicking on Submit, otherwise your data will be lost. Please note that your submission must be completed before the submission period closes.
A confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be sent to the submitter and the presenting author by e-mail within a few days after the online submission. Therefore, please submit the right contact details of the presenting author and corresponding author; otherwise the presenter will not receive important information about their presentations.
- The acceptance of abstracts will be notified by e-mail to the presenting author and corresponding author no later than June 15, 2021.
- All abstracts will be reviewed and scored by the (10) members of the scientific committee. Authors will be informed about the selection for oral or poster presentation by July 31, 2021.
- The ten best abstracts will be selected for oral presentation (10 min and 2 min discussion); all other abstracts will be selected based on their rating for poster presentations.
- Upon acceptance of the abstract, presenting authors are expected to register and to present their abstracts either orally or as poster presentation.
- Abstracts will be published in the congress abstract book only if the presenting author is registered with full payment by September 30, 2021.
If online submission is not available or not possible due to technical reasons , please contact the Congress Secretariat at ILDLT2021@mci-group.com