René Adam
René Adam is Head of the Department of Hepato-Biliary Surgery, Cancer and Transplantation at Paul Brousse Hospital, Villejuif, France. Since 1994, he has held the position of Professor of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at Paris South University, Paris.
Professor Adam’s main fields of activity and research are surgery of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas, and hepatic transplantation. He is particularly involved in the treatment of primary and secondary liver tumors especially by combination of chemotherapy and surgery. He is head of a Research team of Paris-Saclay University, “Chronotherapy, Cancer and Transplantation” especially devoted to innovative projects on fast track surgery, domomedecine and optimization of liver function recovery through machine perfusion in liver transplantation.
Professor Adam chairs the European Liver Transplant Registry (ELTR) which accounts for around 150.000 patients transplanted in 171 institutions from 32 countries and the international Registry of Colorectal Liver Metastases, LiverMetsurvey that he founded in 2005 and collects 29,000 operated patients. He has been General Secretary and Treasurer of the European Surgical Association (ESA). He is member of the board of the European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association (ELITA), and of the board of the French Association of Surgery.
He is also Chair of the Research committee of the IHPBA (International Hepatic, Pancreatic and Biliary Association) as well as Past-President of the French association of HPB Surgery and member of several international societies, including the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) and the European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT).
He has made around 800 scientific communications at congress, has delivered 650 lectures as invited speaker on international meetings around the world, and has published 410 peer-reviewed articles with a PubMed H-index of 78 and more than 25000 citations to date.

Daniel Azoulay
- Date of birth: 03 March 1958, Citizenship: French
- Professionnal Address: Tel Hashomer Hospital,Tel Aviv, Israel (Sabatical year)
- E-mail: daniel.azoulay@aphp.fr, daniel.Azoulay.hmn@gmail.com,
- Tel : France: 0033 613518250, Israel: 00972 526669777
Current Position: Sabbatical year HPB surgery, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel
From January 2021: Centre Hépato-Biliaire, Paul Brousse Hospital, Villejuif, France
Education :
PhD:1997, MD:1989, Université de Médecine, Paris, France
Surgical Training
1984-1989: Residency Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris
1989-1999: Fellowship and post-fellowship, HPB center, Brousse Hospital (Villejuif, France, Chief Henri Bismuth)
Staff Appointments:
2018-2019: Professor of surgery, Centre Hépato-Biliaire, Villejuif, France
2011-2017: Chief Department of Digestive, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary and Liver Transplantation Surgery, Hôpital Henri Mondor (University Hospital)
2002-2011: Professor of Surgery, Centre Hépato-Biliaire, Villejuif, France
1997-2011: Attending Staff, Centre Hépato-Biliaire, Villejuif, France
Member of Scientific comitee 2020: International Living Donor Liver Transplantation Group
Visiting Professor: Surgery Department, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA
Personal Surgical Experience
- Liver resections > 2000,
- Pancreatic resections > 500
- Liver transplantations >2000
- Articles indexed in Pubmed > 400
- Book Chapters, n = 17
- Books Edited, n = 2
– Surgery of the inferior vena cava, Springer 2017
– History of Liver Surgery, Springer 2020
- Citations> 21801
- Research Gate Score = 50.81
- H-Index = 75

Deniz Balci
Dr. Deniz Balci had his Medical Degree and completed general surgery residency at Department of General Surgery and Organ Transplantation in Ankara University School of Medicine in Turkey. After his clinical fellowship at Florence Nightingale Hospital, Organ Transplantation Unit in İstanbul, he returned back to Ankara University School of Medicine as a junior faculty. He was a clinical research fellow at Department of Transplantation Mayo Clinic Florida, USA and at Recanati Miller Transplant Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York followed by a clinical fellowship at Asan Medical Center, Liver Transplant and HPB Surgery Department at Seoul, South Korea. He was appointed Associate Professor of Surgery and the Chief of Liver Transplantation at Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery and Organ Transplantation in 2012.
His main area of interest is Advanced Hepatobiliary Surgery using parenchymal augmentation techniques in particular with ALPPS procedure, Klatskin tumor surgeries and advanced techniques in Living Donor Liver Transplantation such as Rapid Procedure. He and his team developed Livervision software a 3D liver imaging and surgical planning software.
He is currently the Chief of the Liver Transplantation Unit, working as the Professor of Surgery in Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery and Organ Transplantation and as the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the International Society of Liver Surgeons.

Prashant Banghui
Dr. Prashant Bhangui, MS (Surgery), Masters in HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation (Henri Bismuth Hepatobiliary Institute, France), European Inter University Diploma in HPB Oncology, currently holds the position of a Senior Consultant, Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant Surgeon at Medanta-The Medicity Hospital in Delhi NCR, India; one of the Centers with the largest experience in living donor liver transplantation worldwide. For his academic and clinical excellence in the field of HCC Management, and contribution to the field of Organ Transplantation in India, he was awarded the prestigious K.N. Udupa Memorial Oration 2016 by the Indian Society Of Organ Transplantation (ISOT). He was also conferred the “Vanguard Award 2016” by the International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS) for the best published clinical research paper in top peer reviewed Journals during the entire calendar year 2016.
Dr.Prashant has been elected to key positions in International Societies like the ILTS [Vanguard Committee Chair, 2018-19, Education Committee and Development Committee Member 2019-2022]. He is also an active member of the ESOT, ELITA, AASLD, TTS, ILDLT Study Group, IASGO, ISLS, ISOT, LTSI, Les Compagnons Hepatobiliaire. He serves on the Reviewer Panel for Hepatology, Journal Of Hepatology, Transplantation, Liver Transplantation, Transplant International, World Journal Of Surgery, among others.

Dieter Broering
Prof. Dr. Dieter Broering, MD, PhD, FEBS, FACS, is the Executive Director of Organ Transplant Center at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since 2010. He is also a Professor of Surgery at Alfaisal University.
Prof. Broering finished medicine at the University of Dusseldorf, Germany in 1992, Board Certified in Surgery in Hamburg in 1997, obtained his Habilitation (PhD in Surgery) from the University of Hamburg in 2004, second PhD in Clinical Hepatology in 2006 from Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, Master Degrees in Business Administration, Economics and Social Sciences from 2006-2008 at the University of Hamburg, became Fellow of the European Board of Surgeons in 2009, Honorary Professor of the Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs in 2010 Moscow, Russia, and Fellowship from the American College of Surgeons in 2018.
He was the Deputy Director of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Transplantation (2000-2006) at the University of Hamburg, Deputy Chairman and Chairman (2009-2010) of the Department of General, Thoracic and Transplantation Surgery, University of Kiel, Germany; the Leader of the Largest European Living Donor Liver Transplantation Program for pediatric and adult recipients in Kiel, Germany; and Chairman, Surgery Department, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh (Oct 2010 – 23 Aug 2020).
His research activities include more than 600 publications with total Impact Factor
of 699.59 (JRC 2016); 190 national and international scientific presentations and accepted abstracts; and 167 unpublished scientific lectures as invited speaker nationally and internationally.
Prof. Broering is a World-Renowned Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon and an International Expert in Living Donor Liver Transplantation. His international cooperation and collaboration with major institutions worldwide resulted to establishment of various programs on living and deceased liver donation for pediatric and adult, split liver transplantation, and minimally invasive and robotic donor hepatectomy and nephrectomy. The significant achievements of the transplantation programs under his leadership of the Organ Transplant Center at KFSH&RC put the Institution and Saudi Arabia at par with world-leading centers in organ transplantation. Currently, the Center is leading internationally in Robotic Donor Hepatectomy having performed more than 205 full robotic donor hepatectomy cases (including 2 converted cases) and 14 robotic nephrectomy since November 2019.

Mark Cattral
Dr. Cattral is a Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto. He received his medical degree and training in general surgery at the University of Alberta. He completed transplant fellowship training at the University of Chicago and University of Nebraska. Dr. Cattral played a key role in the development of the pancreas and live donor liver transplant programs at Toronto General Hospital and Hospital for Sick Children. He is currently the Surgical Director of the Living-Donor Liver Transplantation Program at the Toronto General Hospital, and a Senior Scientist in the Toronto General Research Institute. His basic research interests include dendritic cell biology, cancer immunotherapy, and immunologic tolerance.

Chao-Long Chen
- Professor of Surgery, Superintendent Emeritus,
- Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
- Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor Chao-Long Chen is a pioneer liver transplant surgeon who performed the first successful liver transplantation in Asia in 1984, and by 2019, has accomplished 1900 more. He obtained fellowship training in liver transplantation under Professor Thomas Starzl at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. He is a recipient of various honors and distinctions, both locally and internationally. He became Professor of Surgery in 1993 and was subsequently bestowed with honorary PhD and professorship by acclaimed international universities. In 1994, he performed the first LDLT in Taiwan and was bestowed with the National Award for Outstanding Contribution in Science and Technology in 1995. He did the first split liver transplantation in Asia in 1997 and started the adult LDLT in Taiwan by 1999. Further, he performed the first dual graft LDLT in Taiwan in 2002, pioneered routine microsurgical biliary reconstruction in the world in 2006, and performed Taiwan’s first segment 2 monosegment LDLT in 2013. He was bestowed the ILTS Distinguished Service Award in 2019.
He was Superintendent of the Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital from 2003 and became Superintendent Emeritus since 2015. He has published more than 500 SCI-cited scientific articles, lectured in more than 300 international and overseas congresses, and has trained more than 360 fellows and observers from all across the world. He serves as associate editor of the American Journal of Transplantation and editorial board of Annals of Surgery among other high ranking scientific journals. He was elected as Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2007 and as President of the International LDLT Group in 2020-21. He remains director of one of the leading global centers in LDLT.
More information: www.clchen.org.tw

Yu-Fan Cheng
Yu Fan Cheng is the Professor of the Department of Radiology and Liver Transplantation Center at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. He is the pioneer in liver cancer treatment, transplantation and interventional radiology, and has been supported by national research grants for more than 20 years. A graduate of the China Medical University, he completed his radiology training at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan and Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, USA. After becoming the Professor of Radiology in 2003, he was subsequently bestowed with the title of Honorary Professor by several international universities.
Furthermore, he has established the liver imaging and interventional radiology program as an international training center in Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Through this, he has trained many international fellows from all around the world. He has published more than 300 scientific articles and has lectured in nearly 100 international congresses. He has received the prestigious awards, Symbol of National Quality and National Biotechnology Award and Medical Care Quality Award from Taiwan, in addition to the numerous international awards and recognitions, such as the Medical Contribution Medal in Central America. A well-known scientific physician, he is now one of the global leading experts in interventional radiology and liver transplant imaging.

Daniel Cherqui
Prof. Daniel Cherqui is currently Professor of Surgery at Université Paris-Sud and Surgical Director of Liver Transplantation at Paul Brousse Hospital in Villejuif-Paris France.
He is an internationally renowned expert in liver transplantation and liver resection. Prof. Cherqui
received his surgical training at the University of Paris and completed an HPB and liver transplant fellowship in Paris in Prof. Henri Bismuth’s Unit in 1986 and at the University of Chicago in Prof Christoph Broelsch’s Unit in 1987. In 1988, he was recruited to start a Liver Transplantation and HPB Surgery Program at Henri Mondor Hospital in Créteil-Paris where he became Chairman of General Surgery in 2005. In 2010, he moved to Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York, NY USA, as Chief of HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation. In 2013, he moved back to France and joined Paul Brousse Hospital, home of the largest liver transplant program in France. He has published extensively and is considered one of the pioneers of laparoscopic liver surgery. He is the Founding President of the “International Laparoscopic Liver Society”.

Jean de Ville de Goyet
Professor Jean de Ville de Goyet is currently the Director of the Department of Pediatrics at ISMETT Hospital in Palermo, where he leads the pediatric transplant and hepatobiliary programs. He is Professor of Pediatric Surgery at the Rome Tor Vergata University, and also Director of the School of Pediatric Surgery since 2009.
His fellowship training was in Brussels in the late eighties, with Professor JB Otte; later, he spent 5 years in Birmingham, England, where he contributed actively to the development of the pediatric intestinal transplantation program and the management of the pediatric intestinal failure. He moved in Italy in 2007, where he developed and organized a new pediatric transplant program at the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome; in the course of 10 years, this new pediatric transplant center reached the rate of > 20 transplant/year and achieved optimal results with a 10-year graft survival rate > 95%.
He has published more than 300 SCI-cited scientific articles, and serves as associate editor of the Pediatric Transplantation Journal. He is considered a leading expert in liver surgery and liver transplantation in children, and has performed more than 800 pediatric transplants, including 250 from living related donors. He is much interested by liver surgery and the management of portal hypertension in children, and contributed much to the development of an innovative bypass for managing children with portal cavernoma (MesoRex bypass) – a new operation that has become the gold-standard cure nowadays.
More information here

Jia-Hong Dong
Jiahong Dong , is a tenured professor, the dean of the School of Clinical Medicine, the president of Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital at Tsinghua University. He is the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as the president of Chinese Medical
Doctor Association (CMDA).
Dr. Dong has made remarkable achievements in hepatobiliary surgery, especially in the management of complex biliary diseases. He was the first to propose the concept of “precision surgery” worldwide and has been endeavored in establishing the surgical paradigm and technological system ever since. The proposal of “precision liver surgery” in 2006 ushered a paradigm shift from conventional experience-based surgery to modern precision surgery. Dr. Dong innovatively applied the precision surgery to intrahepatic bile duct diseases and successfully changed the treatment paradigm from symptom alleviation to complete cure.
He refined the strategy of liver transplantation using the paradigm of precision surgery and largely improved the treatment of the end-stage hepatobiliary diseases, and also achieved a great success in the extracorporeal liver resection and auto-transplantation, which successfully avoided the allograft transplantation and life-long immunosuppressant therapy. For his outstanding contribution in hepatobiliary surgery, Dong was awarded the 2nd class prize of the National Award of Science and Technology Progress as the first contributor and the 1st class prize of the National Award of Science and Technology Progress as co-director. Dr. Jiahong Dong’s respected and active roles in the academic community include the standing committee member of the Chinese Medical Association (CMA) Surgery Branch and the Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, Chief of the CMA Biliary Surgery Branch, Chairman of the Liver Tumor Branch of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health care (CPAM), and the editor-in-chief of the ChineseJournal of Digestive Surgery. He has been awarded the honorary foreign academician of French National Academy of Surgery (FAS), honorary fellow of American Surgical Association (ASA), honorary fellow of European Surgical Association (ESA), and the Surgical Section Chairman of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO).

Hiroto Egawa
Dr Egawa graduated Kyoto University and was trained as a hepatobiliary surgeon. He specialized liver transplantation and contributed to establishing LDLT program in Kyoto University. After his experience of 1300 LDLT, he moved to Tokyo Women’s Medical University and began a new program there. He has been the president of the Japan Society for Transplantation from 2017 and has a strong passion to develop transplant medicine in Japan. His scientific interest is transplant immunology, especially antibody mediated rejection. He developed “Japan Protocol” for ABO incompatible liver transplantation and is still working energetically to improve the outcomes by further intervention using new drugs and new devices for immunological assessment.

Magdy El-Serafy
Professor of Tropical Medicine and Hepatogastroenterology, Cairo University, and Consultant of Liver Transplantation in Dar Al-Fouad Hospital.
- Prof. of Tropical Medicine and Hepatogastroenterology, Cairo University
- Past Head of Endoscopy Unit, Cairo University
- Past Head of National Liver Institute, Cairo
- Past director of the Intensive Care Unit of Liver Diseases, Tropical Medicine Department, Cairo University
- Past director of the Liver Unit, Kasr Al-Ainy Specialized Hospitals
- Consultant of Liver Transplantation in Dar Al-Fouad Hospital (a leading Transplant Hospital in Egypt)
- Member of the National Committee for the Control of Viral Hepatitis, member of its executive Committee, and supervisor of its treatment centers
- Current Secretary General of the Egyptian Fellowship program, since 2019

Subhash Gupta
Dr Subhash Gupta is Chairman of Max Centre for Liver and Biliary Sciences (CLBS) at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, India. He is one of the pioneers of living donor liver transplantation in India. CLBS is actively engaged in Liver Transplantation and complex HPB surgery and conducts over 300 transplants every year. Since 2006, over 3000 living donor liver transplants have been carried out under his supervision.
The Centre has trained many teams and surgeons from around the world in liver transplantation including teams from Kenya, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, USA and Bangladesh. CLBS has also helped start liver transplant in Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi, Sheikh Zayyad Hospital, Lahore, Seventh Hospital, Almaty, Kazakhstan and Dow Medical College, Karachi.
Since 2010, he is a Visiting Professor of Liver Transplantation at the Institute of Post-graduate Education and Medical Research in Kolkata, India. In 2012, he was honoured by the Rotary Association of India for excellence in clinical medicine, and in the same year, he was the recipient of the Vishist Chikitshak Rattan (distinguished clinician) awarded by Delhi Medical Association. In 2016, He was awarded the prestigious “YASH BHARTI” by the Uttar Pradesh government. In the same year, he was awarded the highest civilian award for doctors in India, the Dr. B. C. Roy National Award for encouraging the development of the speciality of liver transplant. Later that year, he was nominated as Honorary Professor of Syzganov National Scientific Centre of Surgery, Almaty Kazakhstan. Dr. Gupta has published over 30 papers in surgery and transplantation, and his research focuses on improving post-operative management of sick recipients. Currently, he is the President of the Liver Transplant society of India.

Koichiro Hata
Education :
- 1995 Graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Medical University (M.D.)
- 1995 Resident, Department of Surgery, Kyoto University Hospital
- 1996–2000 Stuff Surgeon, Municipal hospitals
- 2000–2004 Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Ph.D.)
- 2005–2007 Invited Research Fellow, House of Experimental Therapy, University of Bonn Medical Center, Germany
- 2008–2012 Assistant Professor, Department of HBP Surgery & Transplantation, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
- 2012 Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Asahi University Hospital Adjunct Lecturer, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
- 2013–2018 Assistant Professor, Department of HBP Surgery & Transplantation, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
- 2018 Hospital Lecturer, Department of HBP Surgery & Transplantation, Kyoto University Hospital
- 2019–Present Associate Professor, Division of HBP Surgery & Transplantation, Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University Organ Transplany Unit, Kyoto University Hospital
- 1995M.D., No. 374344
- 2004Ph.D., Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto
- A qualified surgeon by Japan Surgical Society: No. 14523
- Japanese National registration as an anesthesiologist: No. 25461
- Board Certified Surgeon by Japan Surgical Society: No. 1914555
- Board Certified Doctor by The Japan Society for Transplantation: No. 20120856
- General Clinical Oncologist by Japanese Board of Cancer Therapy: No. 13100039
- Board Certified Instructor by Japan Surgical Society: No. S011606
- Board Certified Surgeon in Gastroenterology by The Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery: No. 3007760
- Board Certified Clinical Oncologist in Gastroenterology by The Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery: No. 8079
- Highly Skilled Specialist of Japanese Society of HBP Surgery, No.19-0053
- Certificate of da Vinci Console Surgeon

Julie K. Heimbach
Julie K. Heimbach, M.D., is a Professor of Surgery and Chair of the Division of Transplantation Surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. She is currently on the council of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons; and recently served a member of the Governing Board of the AASLD and as chair of the Liver and Intestinal Transplant Committee of UNOS. She also serves as associate editor of AJT and Journal of Hepatology. Her interests are in liver transplantation in the setting of malignancy, particularly hilar cholangiocarcinoma, as well as the management of obesity in liver transplantation and living donor transplantation.

Abhinav Humar
Dr. Abhinav Humar is the Clinical Director of the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute and the Chief, Division of Transplantation in the Department of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He is also a Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and a Staff Physician at the Pittsburgh VA Medical Healthcare System. Prior to this he was a Professor and the Director for the Liver Transplant Program at the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Humar’s clinical interests include:
- Adult abdominal transplants (kidney, liver, pancreas, and bowel)
- Pediatric transplants
- Living-related liver transplants
- Split liver transplants
- Hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery
His research interests are:
- Partial liver transplants and studies of hepatic regeneration
- Clinical outcome studies in kidney, liver, and pancreas transplants
- Clinical outcomes both short and long term in donors and recipients of living donor liver transplants
- Clinical studies and trials to promote tolerance after transplant

Toru Ikegami
- Organization: The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo Japan
- Position & Title: Professor, Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery
Educational background & professional experience (in sequence of the latest year)
- 1994 Graduated from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JAPAN.
- 1996-1999 Resident, General Surgery, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JAPAN.
- 2004-2005 Clinical Fellow Transplant Surgery, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA.
- 2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Kyushu University
- 2013 Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Kyushu University,
- 2020 Professor, Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery
The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo Japan
Research Interests
Liver transplantation, ABO incompatible LDLT, Inflow modulation in LDLT, portal vein thrombosis in LDLT, Humoral rejection in LDLT, Less invasive donor surgery.

Piotr Kaliciński
Professional biography:
Piotr Kaliciński, born on March 7, 1955, was graduated in 1980 from Warsaw Medical University. He is specialist in pediatric surgery (UEMS certificate) and clinical transplantation, full profesor of medicine, since January 1, 2000, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation in the Children’s Memorial Health Institute(CMHI) in Warsaw.
Piotr Kaliciński was trained in several international centers of pediatric surgery: Bremen, Hamburg in Germany; Kyoto, Tohoku and Kyushu Universities, Kobe Children Hospital in Japan; Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. He was trained in several international centers of organ transplantation: Pittsburgh University, UCLA in USA; Hannover University in Germany; King’s College Hospital, London, UK; Necker Hospital, Paris, France.
Other qualifications and achievements: Piotr Kaliciński performed first successful liver transplantation, first liver transplantation from living donor, first combined liver and kidney transplantation, and first multiorgan lilver, intestine, pancreas transplantation in Poland. Actually is leading pediatric transplant program with more than 1100 kidney transplantations and over 800 liver transplantations in children.
As pediatric surgeon he specializes in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, Hirschsprung’s disease, neonatal surgery, oncological and vascular surgery in children. He developed own modifications of surgical procedures for total colonic aganglionosis and renal autotransplantation for renovascular hypertension.
Scientific and organizational activities: Piotr Kaliciński is is an author of over 300 full text publications, 50 chapters, author and editor of 5 textbooks.
He is a member of several editorial boards of polish and international journals, eg. Pediatric Transplantation, European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Annals of Transplantation and other. He belongs to several national and international scientific associations: EUPSA, IPTA and other.
Piotr Kaliciński was leading or participating in several scientific projects, on the institutional, national and international level.
He is active member of Scientific Committee of the Institute, active member of Polich National Transplant Board my Ministry of Health (previously for many years its chairman), for several years was alaso a National Consultant in pediatric surgery.
Piotr Kaliciński is representative of the CMHI in the Board of TransplantChild the European Reference Network.
Research interests:
Hepatobiliary and pancreas surgery in children, abdominal organ transplantation in children, primary liver tumors in children, long term pathomorphology of transplanted liver, vascular surgery in children, Hirschsprung’s disease and other intestinal motor disturbances.
Contact: e-mail: p.kalicinski@ipczd.pl

Refaat Kamel
- President, Middle East Society of Organ Transplantation (M.E.S.O.T.)
- Council Member of LDLT Study Group
Current position:
- Chair of Surgical Departments Ain Shams University
- Head of Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery Department, Ain Shams University
Clinical: Director of the National Liver Transplant program
- Chief liver transplant surgeon in three leading liver transplant programs in Egypt since 2001 with an overall experience of more than 1000 cases of Living Donor Liver Transplants
- Chairman of Refaat Kamel hospital for hepatobiliary and liver transplantation Surgery
- Honorary fellow of the European Board of Transplantation
- Secretary general of the Egyptian section of the International College of Surgeons
- Editor in the Experimental and clinical Transplantation Journal
- Editor in International Surgery
- Egypt representative in the Mediterranean Transplant Network 2006-2010
- Board member for establishing the organ donation law in 2010 in the Parliament
- Head of the communication committee in the supreme Egyptian council of organ transplantation (2006-2010)
- TTS councillor 2008-2010
- Member of the Istanbul Declaration on organ trafficking and Transplant tourism and member of the custodian group.
- Dr Kamel has published more than 100 papers in local and International Journals
- Dr Kamel graduated from Ain Shams University and did his residency in Kings College Hospital – London

Mureo Kasahara
Dr. Mureo Kasahara started his professional career in HPBand transplant surgery at Kyoto University School of Medicinefrom 1996.He served as a fellow at the Liver Transplant Surgery Service, King’s College Hospital in London, UKin 2002.Actually he is the chair of the Transplant Centerand Vice Chairman ofthe internationally renowned National Center for Child Health and Development in Tokyo, Japan.Since 1996, his program produced thelargestnumber of living related pediatric liver transplantations(1600 cases); these series include referrals from all over the world.He led the first in humanclinical trialof regenerative medicine.Under his leadership embryonal stem cell derived hepatocyte transplantation was performed in 2020 at the National Center for Child Health and Developmentto treat congenitalmetabolic liver diseases.
Professional Training and Employment:
- 1992-1996 – Clinical fellow ingeneral surgery, Gunma University School of Medicine
- 1996-1999 – Clinical and ResearchAssociate of Transplantation, Departmentof Transplant Surgery, Kyoto University School of Medicine PhD. Gunma University School of Medicine, Gunma, Japan
- 1999-2002 – Assistant Professor of TransplantationSurgery, Kyoto University School of Medicine
- 2002-2003- Fellow, Liver Transplant Surgical ServiceKing’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, UK
- 2003-2005 – Clinical Assistant Professor of Transplantation Surgery, Kyoto University School of Medicine
- 2005 – Director, Transplant Surgery, National center for child health and development, Tokyo
- 2010 – Chairman, TransplantationDepartment National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo
- 2013 – Council member of International Pediatric Transplantation Society(IPTA)
- 2016 – Adjunct Professor, Universitas Indonesia
- 2017 – Deputy Director, National Center for Child Health and Development
Motto of the NCCHD, Tokyo, Japan
To help children and their families around the world to increase their understanding of liver transplantation and to improve long-term patient and graft survival implementing innovative surgical skill sand managements.

Choon Hyuck David Kwon
After Dr. Kwon finished his fellowship training in liver transplantation and hepato-pancreato-biliary surgical oncology at Seoul National University Hospital, he worked as attending staff and professor at Samsung Medical Center for 14years where he had extensive experience in both liver transplantation, including living donor liver transplant, and liver resection for cancer. He started a laparoscopic liver resection program in 2008 and a laparoscopic donor hepatectomy in 2013, which has now become one of the largest laparoscopic liver donor program in the world.
With his expensive experience in both field, he helped many institutions around the world start a living donor liver transplant or a laparoscopic program for donors.
In 2017, he moved to the US, and after working as a faculty at Mayo Clinic for a year, he settled down at Cleveland Clinic in 2018 as Director of Laparoscopic Liver Surgery. He successfully launched a laparoscopic donor program in 2019, and it has now become one of the largest laparoscopic donor program in the West, with 27 cases performed in the first year.

Quirino Lai
Instruction and Formation
- 12 July, 2005: M.D. Degree graduated magna cum laude from Sapienza University of Rome, School of Medicine.
- 28 October, 2011: Post-graduation in General Surgery magna cum laude from Sapienza University of Rome.
- 28 May, 2015: PhD title in Experimental and Clinical Surgical and Hepato-gastroenterological Physio-pathology, Sapienza University of Rome.
- 05 December, 2017: National Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor for General Surgery.
- From 01 November, 2017 to present: Senior Lecturer, Organ Transplantation Unit, Sapienza University of Rome.
- From 15 November, 2013 to 31 October, 2017: Consultant, Organ Transplantation Unit, L’Aquila University.
- From November, 2012 to October, 2013: Locum consultant, Liver Transplantation Unit, University of Pisa.
- From 1 September, 2011 to 31 August, 2012: Fellow, Unité de Transplantation abdominale, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, UCL, Brussels, Belgium.
- From February to March, 2011: Visitor, Department of Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery and Liver Transplantation Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong.
Publication Activity
Author of 175 articles published on international journals indexed on Pubmed. Total impact factor: 485; H-Index: 23 (Google Scholar). Author of 13 book chapters.
Editorial Board Member
- From 2017 to present: Editorial Board Member of World Journal of Gastroenterology (IF: 3.365).
- From 2018 to present: Associate Editor of BMC Gastroenterology (2.731).
- From 2018 to present: Associate Editor of Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (1.622).
- From 2019 to present: Editorial Board Member of Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International (IF: 1.576).
- From 2020 to present: Member of the Reviewer Board of Cancers (IF: 6.162).
- From 2020 to present: Associate Editor of Frontiers in Oncology (IF: 4.137).
Award and Boursaries
- Winner of an EASL Young Investigator bursary: Wien 2010; Athens 2010; Lisbon 2011; Tallinn 2012; Geneva 2014.
- Winner of an ILTS Young Investigator bursary: Hong Kong 2010; San Francisco 2012; Seoul 2016; Prague 2017.
- Winner of an ILTS Travel Award: Sydney 2013.
- Winner of an ESOT Short Stay and Study Grant: 15th edition 2012.
- Winner of an ILTS International Scholar Award 2012.
- Winner of a Young Investigator Award, 11th IHPBA World Congress, Seoul 2014.
- Winner of a Euroliver Award, 17th ESOT Congress, Brussels 2015.
- Winner of a SITO Thomas Starzl Prize: Cagliari 2017, Rome 2019.
- Winner of a Publons Peer Reviewer Awards 2018, top 1% reviewer area “Clinical Medicine”.
- Winner of a Travel Grant, 7th Biennial A-PHBPA Congress, Seoul 2019.
- Winner of a Presidential Award, 7th Biennial A-PHBPA Congress, Seoul 2019.

Kwang-Woong Lee
Professor Lee graduated from Seoul National University. He has been with Samsung Medical Center and National Cancer Center, Korea as a hepatic and transplant surgeon. He has also been in Johns Hopkins University Hospital as a LDLT consultant. He is a professor of department of surgery, Seoul National University, Korea. He performed the first successful hepatocyte transplantation in Korea when he was in Samsung Medical Center. His research topics are hepatocyte transplantation, gene delivery, cancer stem cell, best immunosuppressant for HCC, bile duct ischemia induced by warm ischemia, polymorphism and so on. He developed several innovative techniques to reduce biliary complications after liver transplantation such as high hilar dissection (HHD) and Tailored Telescopic Reconstruction (TTR) of bile duct. He also played an important role to change deceased donor allocation system in Korea (split liver transplantation regulation and Deceased donor allocation system based on MELD) by publishing several important papers analyzing Korean database. He performed first living donor liver transplantation for pure foreign patients in Korea when he was in National Cancer Center, Korea. And he has performed more than 100 cases of LDLT in Kazakhstan, Georgia and Myanmar since 2013. He is leading person in global health business. He has been a vice president for Global Planning and Development of Seoul National University Hospital for 2 years and an executive director of International Health Care Center for 5 years. And recently, he was in charge of Kuwait hospital project until June 2020.

Sung-Gyu Lee
Sung-Gyu Lee , MD, PhD, is the chair professor of surgery at the University of Ulsan College of Medicine and Asan Medical Center, and the president and CEO of Asan Healthcare System. As one of the world’s best-known experts in the field of liver transplantation, he has invented various techniques and protocols for transplanting liver from living donor to patient. Over the past 30 years, he has created a number of global records in the field of liver transplantation. He has the leading techniques in the technical innovation of LDLT, twoto-one dual liver transplantations, liver transplantation of different ABO blood types, and laparoscopic hepatectomy. His achievements in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery and liver transplantation have been internationally recognized. So far, he has published more than 400 academic papers.

Tsan-Shiun Lin
Dr. Tsan-Shiun, Lin specializes in plastic surgery, offering the most innovative techniques such as “combined microvascular anastomosis” for vessel and bile duct anastomosis, and “microsurgical biliary reconstruction” for biliary reconstruction in living donor liver transplanation.
Following completion of training in plastic and reconstructive department in Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, he moved to trauma department of Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and became the chief of Trauma department for 8 years. Then he moved to plastic and reconstructive department of Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital to be the chief until this June.
His studies focused in microsurgery in the limbs, microsurgery in the liver transplantation, debulking procedure for bulky flap of limbs, and microsurgical training for young surgeons.

Pål-Dag Line
Pål-Dag Line studied pre-clinical medicine in Bochum, Germany and graduated with an MD from the University of Oslo in 1987 and a PhD in 1996. He is board certified in general, vascular and abdominal transplant surgery and is senior consultant surgeon in abdominal transplantation (liver, kidney, pancreas), HPB surgery and vascular surgery. He is head of the Department of Transplantation Medicine, Oslo University Hospital combined with the position as Professor of Surgery at the University of Oslo. During the whole career, he has had a particular clinical and scientific interest within cancer and liver transplantation, abdominal vascular disease, and how transplant surgical techniques can be utilized in oncological surgery to improve outcomes and provide surgical treatment to patients otherwise deemed inoperable. Together with his co-workers, he has been a pioneer in introducing and studying liver transplantation as a treatment option for non-resectable colorectal liver metastases. He is member on the Norwegian advisory board for HPB cancer and the National Board of Experts for patients with critical life-shortening illness.
Pål-Dag Line is member of TTS, ILTS, IHPBA, ESOT, European Surgical Association and the International Surgical Group and serves on the Educational and scholarship committee of the ILTS.

Massimo Malago
Professor Massimo Malagó is an HPB, transplantation and general/sarcoma surgeon with special interest in oncologic HPB surgery and segmental liver transplantation. Both European and American trained and certified, he graduated from the University of Padua-Verona and obtained the European Degree of General Surgery in 1988. He further trained in surgery and transplantation and researched at the Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard University, the Mayo Clinic, the University of Chicago and at the University Hospital in Hamburg – Germany.
Prof Malago’ was Director of Transplantation and HPB surgery at the University Hospital in Essen-Germany, where he received the Ilse Bagel Chair for Transplantation Surgery, and prior to that deputy Director of Liver Transplantation and HPB at the University Hospital in Hamburg. Since 2007 Prof.
Malago’ joined the Surgical Faculty of University College London as full Professor. He was Head of Surgical Services at the University College London Hospitals, and unified the North Central London HPB services at the Royal Free London Hospital, as a surgical leader and innovator. He was cofounder and Director of the Liver and Digestive Health Theme of the Academic Health Science Center of University College London Partners (UCLP), a vast health partnership serving approximately 6 million inhabitants in Central North-East London. He is member of numerous surgical societies and joined the ESA-European Surgical Society in 2018.
Prof Malago’ pioneered new surgical techniques: in Europe he performed the first right living donor hepatectomy, the first successful adult living donor liver transplantation. He brought complex surgical techniques and live donor liver transplantation to a number of hospitals in the USA, China, Europe and the Middle East. His scientific interests are surgical techniques in liver and pancreatic surgery, split and live donor transplantation, post- surgical liver failure, HCC and Cholangiocarcinoma ( H-index: 52 Scopus – 62 Google Scholar).

Christa Nolte
Christa Nolte, M.A. is behavioural scientist and administrative manager of the Swiss Organ Living-Donor Health Register SOL-DHR/SNO, founded by the late Prof. Gilbert Thiel in 1993 for kidney donors at the University Hospital of Basel. In 2008, liver donors were also included in the register.
- 2001: Nolte started working at SOL-DHR/SNO in 2001. The major task of the living donor health register is to ensure and to monitor the lifelong health checks of kidney and liver donors. In the new transplantation ordinance of 2017, the financing of living donor follow-up care was regulated by law. In this context, C. Nolte developed an implementation concept for the Federal Office of Public Health and was project manager for the development of the new database for living donors.
- 2002: Nolte is responsible for managing the register of living donors. She is the contact person for the Federal Office of Public Health and the health insurances.

Deok-Bog Moon
Deok-Bog MOON, MD is the Professor, Hepato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
He completed residency in General Surgery in 1997. Since 2001, he has been specialized in Hepato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation at Asan Medical Center.
He is a well respected Hepato-Biliary and Liver Transplantation surgeon, working as a team-member of at Hepato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation unit with Professor Sung-Gyu LEE, at ASAN MEDICAL CENTER, Seoul, Korea.
His main works include liver transplantation, hepatectomy, and biliary-pancreatic surgery with vascular reconstruction for all kinds of hepatobiliary-pancreatic malignancies.
In liver transplantation, his major is recipient surgery including hepatectomy and implantation with microsurgical techniques of hepatic arterial reconstruction. The technique learned from liver transplantation is also very useful to perform HBP surgery. His main interest is to perform challenging operations in the field of HBP surgery deemed inoperable before the introduction of techniques used in (living donor) liver transplantation.

Henrik Petrowsky
Dr. Henrik Petrowsky is Professor of Surgery and Vice Chair of the Department of Surgery and Transplantation at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. He serves as Program Director of the HPB Surgery and Liver Transplant Fellowship at the Swiss HPB and Transplant Center Zurich. Dr. Petrowsky is heading the Liver and Pancreas Tumor Center, which is embedded in the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich at the University Hospital Zurich. His current practice consists of HPB surgery and liver transplantation. His research interests have mirrored his clinical work mainly focusing on translational and outcome research in liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery.
Dr. Petrowsky received his medical degree from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. He spent a two-year research fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York and completed his training in general surgery and hepatobiliary surgery at The University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland. In 2009, he completed the Multi-Organ Transplant Fellowship at the University of California Los Angeles, and joined the faculty of University of California Los Angeles as Assistant Professor of Surgery-in-Residence and liver transplant attending.

Mettu Srinivas Reddy
- Director of Transplantation & Consultant Surgeon
- Institute of Liver Disease & Transplantation
- Dr Rela Institute & Medical Center, Chennai, INDIA
Telephone: 0091-9840054648
E-mail: smettu.reddy@gmail.com
Dr Mettu Srinivas Reddy is currently the Director of Transplantation at Dr Rela Institute and Medical Center, Chennai, India.
Dr Reddy completed his general surgical training at the Postgraduate institute, Chandigarh, India and then moved to the United Kingdom to train in Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary surgery at units in Newcastle and Leeds. He received a PhD for his doctoral thesis studying oxygen persufflation as a preservation technique for the DCD pancreas.
He returned to India in 2012 to join Professor Mohamed Rela’s team in Chennai as a Consultant surgeon and is currently the Director of the Liver Transplantation program in Professor Rela’s unit performing around 200 liver transplants annually.
His areas of interest are living donor liver transplantation, pediatric liver transplantation and vascular resection for hepatobiliary malignancies. His current research is focused on the use of artificial biodegradable scaffolds to study liver regeneration.
He has over 80 peer-reviewed publications to his credit and is an invited reviewer for Transplantation & American Journal of Transplantation. He is also a member of the Pediatric committee of the International Liver Transplantation Society.

Mohamed Rela
Prof Mohamed Rela is a liver transplant surgeon with over 25 years of experience in the field.
He has been a consultant surgeon and Professor of Liver surgery at Kings college hospital, London since 1993 and has been working in India since 2009.
He now runs the busiest liver transplantation program in South India, performing over 250 liver transplants each year. Prof.Rela has authored over 450 peer-reviewed publications and a number of book chapters including a chapter in the latest edition of Gray’s Anatomy.
The annual Master Class in Liver Disease series started by him in 2011 is one of the most popular academic events in South Asia, regularly attended by over a 1000 delegates from across the world.
He is the next President-Elect of the ILTS.
Research Interests
- Mechanics of liver regeneration
- Radical resection for hilar cholangiocarcinoma
- Regeneration after Auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation.

Yuji Soejima
Yuji Soejima is Professor of Department of Surgery, Shinshu University. His major interests are in liver transplantation surgery including adult and pediatric living donor liver transplantation, hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery including laparoscopic hepatic and pancreatic resection. He has vast clinical research interests in the mechanism of small-for-size syndrome, transplant immunology and HPB cancer. He is an active member of The Transplantation Society, American Society of Transplant Surgeons, European Society for Organ Transplantation, The Transplantation Society, and International Liver Transplantation Society. As well, he is a member of the Council of the Japan Surgical Society, Japanese Society of Transplantation, the Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery and many other medical societies. He received the Euroliver Foundation Award at ESOT 2005 Congress. He published many articles regarding new surgical techniques in pediatric and adult living donor liver transplantation including left lobe living donor liver transplantation in adults. He wrote a book chapter “Small-for-Size Syndrome” in Busuttil & Klintmalm’s text book, Transplantation of the Liver 3rd edition.

Arvinder Singh Soin
Dr. AS Soin is a liver surgeon, medical innovator and entrepreneur. An alumnus of AIIMS, New Delhi and Cambridge University, he is the Chairman and Chief Surgeon at Medanta Liver Transplant Institute. He is recognized in the transplant fraternity the world over for pioneering liver transplantation in India. Since 1998, after performing the country’s first successful transplant, he and his team have performed the most liver transplants in India – nearly 3200 so far, and are credited with majority of the firsts in liver transplantation. Their success rates of 95% are at par with the world’s best. Dr Soin was awarded the ‘Padma Shri’ for pioneering Liver Transplantation. He has been bestowed several other National and International awards and honours. He is also a ‘Harvard Medical School Scholar’ in Surgical Leadership.
He is the founder President of Liver Transplantation Society of India, Past Committee Chair, International Liver Transplantation Society, and Past Vice-President, Indian Society of Organ Transplantation. He has delivered and been awarded 15 orations in the past 10 years.
He has published 194 research papers and 17 book chapters, and delivered more than 1000 invited lectures and papers all over the world. He is also the Editor of India’s first comprehensive book in the field, entitled “Liver Transplantation”, published by Elsevier. He is widely quoted in media on liver disease, medical innovation and healthcare issues.
In his AI and healthcare technology avatar, he is:
- The Founder of LiverPedia™ (an interactive liver app),
- Investor & Scientific Advisor in 4 medical start ups:
- Y-Trap Inc. CA – a cancer immunotherapy platform
- Respirix, CA – AI based device for cheap and rapid bed-side diagnosis of heart failure
- Zebra (Israel) – world’s largest FDA approved radiology AI platform
- He heads a joint venture for an innovative device for accurate and cheap point-of care diagnostics, which enables rapid access to treatment, both by using AI-based decisions, and connecting patients to general and specialist doctors. This will lead to better health decisions, access and outcomes for Primary Health Care in India.

Gi-Won Song
Gi-Won Song is Professor of Division of LT an HB Surgery, department, Asan Medical Center, Ulsan University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. He received training of resident in surgery and fellowship in LT and HBP surgery in Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. He has dedicated in research activities as well as clinical activities of liver transplantation. He has published more than 300 papers in international scientific journals. His research interest includes living donor liver transplantation, ABO incompatible liver transplantation, clinical immunology and HCC. He has published several meaningful papers of ABO incompatible living donor liver transplantation in Journal of Hepatology, American Journal of Transplantation, Transplantation and Liver Transplantation. He has been involved in domestic and international multicenter clinical studies of living donor liver transplantation, immunosuppression or HCC. He has been one of active member of Korean or international societies of HBP surgery or LT.

Olivier Soubrane
Olivier Soubrane is Professor of Surgery and chairs the Department of HPB Surgery and Liver Transplant in Beaujon Hospital, Clichy, France. He received his training and fellowship in surgery in Paris, France, and a post-doc fellowship in liver transplantation with Prof. Carlos E. Esquivel in San Francisco, CA, USA. He previously chaired the Department of Surgery in Cochin Hospital, and the Department of HPB Surgery in St Antoine Hospital, both in Paris, France.
He has dedicated a significant period in research, leading a surgical research laboratory for ten years in Cochin Hospital and serving two terms in Surgery Committees for INSERM, the French National Agency for Research.
As academic surgeon, Olivier Soubrane is Associate Editor of World Journal of Surgery, Member of the Editorial Board of Annals of Surgery and invited reviewer for several international journals including Journal of Hepatology, Annals of Surgical Oncology, Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation, and EBioMedicine.
His research interest includes liver cancer, laparoscopic techniques for resection of liver tumors and live donor hepatectomy. He has reported the first laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy in a live donor with Daniel Cherqui in 2002 and the first laparoscopic right hepatectomy in a live donor in 2013.
Founding member of the International Laparoscopic Liver Society (ILLS), Olivier Soubrane was co-President with Daniel Cherqui of the first world meeting held in Paris on July 6-8, 2017.

Kyung-Suk Suh
- Department of Surgery
- Seoul National University College of Medicine
- Seoul National University Hospital
Prof. Kyung-Suk Suh is a Professor of Department of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
Prof. Suh graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine with his medical degree in 1984 and completed his internship and residency in Department of Surgery at Seoul National University Hospital, receiving his diploma in General Surgery in 1989.
Since 1993, Prof. Suh held a number of professional positions at the Seoul National University Hospital in Seoul, including instructor, assistant Prof., associate Prof., Prof., chairman of Department of Surgery Seoul national university College of Medicine, Chief of Seoul National University Hospital Transplant Center and Director of Seoul National University Cancer Hospital.
Since 2011, Prof. Suh have been taking a number of roles, including Director of the International affairs in Korean Society of Organ Transplantation (2011-), Chairman in Korean Association of HBP Surgery(2015-2017), President of the International Living Donor Liver Transplantation Study Group(2015-2017) and Chairman of Korean Surgical Society(2016-2018).
Prof. Suh’s major fields of interest are Liver Transplantation, Oncological Surgery for Hepato-biliary Carcinoma and minimal invasive surgery.

Yaman Tokat
Dr. Yaman Tokat received his medical degree (M.D.) and residency in General Surgery from Ege University School of Medicine in Izmir, Turkey.He had completed his fellowship training at different clinics (Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas /Houston; Mayo Clinic / Rochester, and Cambridge University /Cambridge). In 1994, he was elected as an Assistant Professor of General Surgery at Ege University School of Medicine and in 2002 became Professor of General Surgery.
He has performed the first successful cadaveric liver transplantation at Ege University in 1994 and started the first successful living donor liver transplantation program in Turkey in 1999. He established a multidisciplinary team that currently comprises one of the largest transplant programs in the country performing more than 100 liver transplantations each year. He has performed more than 1500 liver transplants so far and trained many junior surgeons. He gave more than 300 hundred lectures around the world and published more than 200 articles in wide known journals. He trained many surgeons in the country and around the world.
Dr. Yaman Tokat and his team were the first in Turkey to perform adult-to-adult right lobe living donor liver transplantation, split liver transplantation into two adults at the same time, domino liver transplantation,stem cell transplantation for ACLF and dual left lobe liver transplantation.
He, is the Founder and President of Turkish Society of Liver Transplantation. He is also a council member at iLDLT, APASL and ILTS.
He is the director of the International Liver Center in Istanbul.

Shinji Uemoto
I graduated from Kyoto University in Japan in 1981. I had started to work as a transplant surgeon for living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) in 1990, and had completed the role of professor of the Department of HBP Surgery and Transplantation in Kyoto University between 2006 and 2020. Current my position is the president of the Shiga University of Medical Science. My special attention in LDLT is the strategy to overcome small-for-size graft and advanced portal vein thrombosis.

Vincent Vandecaveye
Vincent Vandecaveye is staff radiologist at the division of abdominal/gynaecological imaging; department of radiology at the University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium since 2008 and associate professor at the Catholic University of Leuven. He completed his PhD in 2010 on the subject of diffusion-weighted MRI in head and neck cancer.
Next to general abdominal imaging and abdominal radiological intervention his main clinical interests include imaging of hepatic tumours, gynaecological imaging with special focus on ovarian cancer and functional MRI of abdominal cancers. Likewise, his main area of research includes the development of (whole body) diffusion-weighted imaging for tumour detection, staging and (early) treatment assessment of gynaecological, hepatobiliary/digestive cancers and breast cancer and neuro-endocrine tumours.
Vincent Vandecaveye has (co-)authored 85 peer-reviewed articles – mainly on diffusion-weighted MRI in oncology and delivered more than 100 invited lectures at international meetings concerning oncologic and diffusion-weighted imaging (including ESGAR, ECR, Erasmus courses, ESTRO, IOTA, ACAR…).
He is an active member of the EORTC imaging group, European society of Radiology (ESR), fellow of the European society of gastro-intestinal and abdominal radiology (ESGAR), the ESGAR research committee and member of the Belgian guideline development group for diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer, ovarian cancer and hepatobiliary cancer. He was also member of the organizing scientific committee for the annual meeting of the ESMRMB 2015 and is scientific subcommittee member for the European congress of radiology since 2015. He is also a member of the Oncology section of the Scientific Editorial Board of European Radiology and was until recently associate editor for Abdominal Imaging.

Hans Van Vlierberghe
Hans Van Vlierberghe is head of the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Ghent University Hospital, Belgium. In this university he obtained his MD and got a PhD promotion on the topic ‘Iron metabolism in chronic liver disease’. He is a senior full professor at the Ghent University.
For the last 16 years he has been a board member of the medical council of the Ghent University Hospital.
Under his lead the department became member of the European Reference Network for Rare Liver diseases.
His main clinical interest is hepatology and in particular transplantation hepatology.
He leads a research unit which focuses on a) hepatocellular carcinoma and b) glycomics in liver disease. As a result of the research in glycomics he is a (co)-holder of 2 patents on serum tests for liver fibrosis and the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma.
He is (co)-author of more than 300 peer reviewed articles (H-index: 43). Journals in which these data were presented are Nature, Cell, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology, Gut.
As the President of the Belgian National Transplantation Council (official advice organ to the Ministery of Health), he joins the Council of Administrators of Eurotransplant. He is also an auditor for the ET Liver and Intestinal allocation Committee.

Xiaoying Wang
- Professor & Director
– Division of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery
– Zhongshan Hospital,
– Fudan University
- Execute member of Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (CRSA)
- Founding member of International Laparoscopic Liver Society (ILLS)
- Asian-Pacific Laparoscopic Hepatectomy Promotion and Development Expert Committee
- Personal experience:
– >400 Lap & robotic liver resection per year

Andraus Wellington
Surgical residence at the University of Sao Paulo. Transplant Surgeon since 2001. Fellowship in HPB and Liver Transplant at Hôpital Beaujon, Paris, France. PhD in 2007. Liver Transplant Coordinator at Clinical Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, since 2014. More than hundred papers published in the field.

Tiffany Cho Lam Wong
Dr Tiffany Cho Lam WONG graduated from Immaculate Heart of Mary College in 1999 and finished her medical education in the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005. Tiffany finished her specialist training in 2012 and was the awardee of Li Shield’s and GB Ong Medals of the Joint Specialty Fellowship Examination in General Surgery. She has been working in the Division of Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Department of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong as Clinical Assistant Professor since 2012. Her research interests include expanding the availability of livers for successful transplantation and management of liver cancer. Her work was supported by numerous external grants and she has been recognized at the University of Hong Kong with a Best Research Output Awards for clinical research, the Best Oral Awards at the Congress of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Asian-Pacific Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Association, the Liver Transplant and/or Hepatobiliary Surgery Fellow Award by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and most notably, the Rising Star Award of the International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS). This year, with the support from Carlos A. Pellegrini Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons and Mrs. Gordon Wu Exchange Professorship, she will visit Harvard University, University of Washington and Shanghai Jiao Tong University for research sharing and collaboration.

Qiang Xia
Prof. Qiang Xia is Head of Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
For the past 16 years, Qiang Xia has been responsible for the liver transplantation and liver surgery department at Renji Hospital. The unit has performed more than 5000 cases of liver transplantation (LT), including over 2300 pediatric LT. Specific interests within liver transplantation surgery include living donor, split liver and dual graft LT. More than 250 papers have been published. Research interests include ischemia/reperfusion injury, primary liver cancer and post-LT immune tolerance.
At present Qiang Xia serves as a Committee Member of International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS), Committee Member of International Liver Transplantation Society Pediatric Branch, Executive Member of International Living Donor Liver Transplantation study group (iLDLTG), Director of the professional committee of pediatric transplantation in Chinese Medical Association for organ transplantation, Elected-director of Shanghai Organ Transplantation Committee and members of editorial board for Journal of Chinese Transplantation, Chinese Digestive Surgery and so on.
- 2001: “Rising star in Medicine” in Shanghai
- 2006: “Top ten outstanding youth” in Shanghai
- 2008: “Excellent doctor” in Shanghai
- 2009: “Excellent doctor” in China
- 2014:
– Chinese Physician Award in China
– The first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award in the Ministry of Education
– The first prize of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Progress Award
– The first prize of Huaxia Medicine Award - 2015: The first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award
- 2017:
– Shanghai science and technology elite
– The most devoted doctor in China - 2018:
– The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress
– Shanghai’s most inspiring role models
– Shanghai craftsman

Nam-Joon Yi
Dr. Nam-Joon Yi is currently a professor of Surgery at Seoul National University College of Medicine.
She obtained her MD and PhD degrees at the Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea in 1996 and 2004.
Since 2002, she started her clinical fellowship and has dedicated to set up a living donor liver transplantation program in in HBP Surgery division of Seoul National University Hospital.
She has a special expertise in living donor and pediatric liver transplantation as well as adult living donor liver transplantation. Her research interests include micro-chimerism of the liver graft in the pediatric transplantation, regeneration of the small-for-size graft, and operational tolerance in liver transplantation.

Sezai Yilmaz
- Inonu University School of Medicine,
- Turgut Ozal Medical Center,
- Malatya, Turkey.
- Tel: +904223410660 GSM: +905321202376
- sezai.yilmaz@inonu.edu.tr
- MD, 1979-1985 Dicle University School of Medicine, Diyarbakir, Turkey
- General Surgery Residency, 1988-1993 Ankara Numune Teaching and Research Hospital
- Gastrointestinal Surgery Fellowship, 1993-1998 Turkey Advanced Specialization Hospital
- Liver Transplantation Fellowship, 1998-1999 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Professional Experience
- General Physician, 1985
- Assistant Professor, 1998, Inonu University School of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey
- Associate Professor, 2000, Inonu University School of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey
- Professor, 2006, Inonu University School of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey
- Dean of School of Medicine, 2007-2008, Inonu University School of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey
- Chairman, Liver Transplantation Program, 2008-2011 Inonu University School of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey
- Chairman, General Surgery Department, 2009- Inonu University School of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey
- Director of Liver Transplantation Institute, 2011- Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey
- ILTS (International Liver Transplantation Society)
- IASGO (International Association Surgeons Gastroenterologists and Oncologists)
- Euro Asia Liver Transplantation Society
- Turkish Liver Transplantation Society
- Turkish Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Society
- Turkish Surgery Society
- Turkish Gastroenterology Society
Publications (Scientific publications for 2020) : 41

Zhi-Jun Zhu
Professor, Chief Surgeon, doctoral supervisor
Actual position
- Director of Liver Transplantation Center, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University
- Director of Clinical Center for Pediatric Liver Transplantation, Capital Medical University
- Vice president of National Clinical Research Center for Digestive Diseases(NCRC-DD)
Honors and Awards
- Honor foreign Member of the French Academy of Surgery
- Young expert with outstanding contributions nominated by the Ministry of Health
- Recipient of the State Council’s special allowance
- Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award as the secondary finisher
Membership and Titles in Academic Organizations
- Vice Director of the Living Organ Transplantation Professional Committee of the Organ Transplant Physician Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
- Vice Chairman of the Organ transplantation branch of Beijing Medical Association
- Member of the Organ Transplantation Branch of the Chinese Medical Association
Clinical Work
Mr. Zhi-Jun Zhu has been engaged in liver surgery and liver transplantation since 1991. By June 2020, he has completed more than 2,800 cases of liver transplantation by individuals, including more than 800 cases of living donor transplantation and more than 800 cases of pediatric liver transplantation. Among his work, the first case of cross-auxiliary double domino donor liver transplantation was completed in 2013 and the first case of cross-auxiliary domino liver transplantation by exchange of partial liver between two patients with hypermethioninemia and OTCD was completed in 2018. “Liver transplantation without donation” can be achieved by this way.